Pulp Fiction

It has already been a while since the release of Pulp Fiction, but it is still a very good movie. The Oscar and a lot of other awards confirm that. Also with a score of 9.0, it is the fourth best movie on IMDB. But  that doesn’t make it a perfect movie. What’s very weird about this movie is that there are a lot of mistakes in the movie that could have been avoided. Some of them must have been made on purpose  by Quentin Tarantino. But they usually don’t change anything about how you see the movie except that they make it look weird. And that is exactly what Tarantino wanted to do in his movie.

Everything about Pulp Fiction is weird. The movie credits are at the beginning of the movie and also at the end of the movie. The movie hasn’t got a chronologic order, which makes it at the beginning of the movie a little hard to understand the movie. There are weird characters who make sometimes weird decisions, like when the person who wants to kill one of the major characters is being tortured by two people, the major character comes back to save him. Also there are a lot of, sometimes funny, coincidences. Quentin Tarantino also makes a lot of references to movies by using songs at the background and by using old series to describe milkshake flavors.

The use of language on Pulp Fiction is also not normal. There is a lot of cursing in the movie, and I don’t know if it was just me but it didn’t bother me as much as it should have. Because only the word “fuck” is being used 265 times in the movie. Maybe because it has been used so much it lost its meaning.

I don’t say I don’t like all of those weird stuff in Pulp Fiction, I actually think that is what makes this movie so different to all other movies. But sometimes I thought it was a little too much and sometimes unnecessary. Pulp Fiction is definitely a movie never to forget and I recommend everybody to see it, but I don’t think is one of the best movies ever made.

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